What Is Airmid Academy?

Anne-Marie, proprietor of Airmid Therapies has over 14 years experience as a complementary therapist and owning her own thriving holistic business. She has always had a vision to pass on her knowledge and experience to others who want to help people by giving them holistic treatments - and so Airmid Academy was born. 

Airmid Academy is newly opened (Nov 2022) and will continue to grow and add more training courses.  Courses are FHT accredited and approved - Federation of Holistic TherapistsWe aim to provide a wide range of professional courses designed to enhance skills, businesses and careers. 

*FHT Accredited Course (KCR is currently undergoing FHT approval)

Our courses are open to anyone in the Newry and surrounding areas, including Co.Down, Co.Armagh and Co.Louth and beyond. 

Contact Anne-Marie

Enquiries & bookings: e: info@airmidacademy.com  t: 07708382931

Address: Airmid Academy, 27 Newtown Road, Cloughogue, Newry, Co.Down, BT35 8NN, N.Ireland 

Our Location
Map of Ireland
27 Newtown Road,
Co. Down
BT35 8NN
N. Ireland
"I've had Reflexology with Anne-Marie before. Thought I'd try Reiki and so I got a combo treatment of both. It was amazing, another level of relaxation. Plus they are a great way to try other treatm..."
Emma - Newry

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